Challenge accepted
If you are interested in adopting a minimalist lifestyle but your inhibitions take over, let me reassure you.
As The Minimalists put it in their book, Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life, you can do anything for ten days, right?
This is where some minimalism challenges may be of use. If you are scared or unsure of what minimalism may bring about, try out some of those challenges for any period of time and simply assess if the scope, duration, or rules are cut out to your needs. If not, redesign.
Minimalism has to serve you; not the other way round.
Right now, I am collecting ideas and gradually implementing some of the minimalist challenges:
- 30-Day Minimalism Game
- No Spend Challenge
- Zero Waste Challenge
- Minimalism Challenge
- KonMari method: My KonMari challenge
- Project 10x10: My Project 10x10
- Capsule wardrobe/Project 333
- Wear the same clothes for two weeks
- Project bottom
The details will follow over the upcoming weeks :)
You will gradually see the results and maybe - just maybe - adopt some of the challenges in your life.
You can do anything for ten days, right?