Minimalism: why and how?

If you sometimes get the impression that you do not have time for anything, let alone reflection on the questions "why" and "how"... I hope that after reading this note you will find a moment for it. Thanks to minimalism hopefully you could understand (just like me) how crucial is this basic activity. I will tell you my story by answering those two essential questions.

Why did I choose minimalism?

The reason was untoward, really. Minimalism came into my life because of superabundance. Because of excess. Excess of things around me, excess of my own requirements set for myself but also because of some lacks... Lack of "my own thing" that I always pursued, but could now really name it/ Lack of a true passion that could bring more value to my life and give me the stamina and perseverance to act.

The reason was depression. Depression that suddenly appeared in my life, seemingly without any special reason. I just felt that I had to slow down. The calmness came to me when I limited the number of stimuli around me and when I realised that cutting down on  unimportant stuff will give me more space (and time) for more valuable experiences and feelings. This is how, step by step, I started to minimise.

How does minimalism affect my life?

I reduced my wardrobe, negative relations, negative thoughts, and negative substances in my food and everyday products. Minimalism brought about tranquillity and gave birth to the new energy reserves. It also gave me a passion that I'm genuinely proud of.

I manifest this philosophy at work, where I try to simplify the communications that I am creating and by reducing the distractions around me.

Minimalism also equals more time for my family and friends as well as... for myself - I read more, I write more, and I dance more. I feel that I am progressing. Was it not for minimalism, I would not have become passionate about zero waste, slow fashion, or mindfulness.

Thanks to minimalism I have come to realise that I do not want to pursue an "American dream" or any kind of consumerism-centred life. Additionally, I learned that possessions... are just things. For me minimalism is like a door for a new, exciting life of staying true to myself.

Ask yourself: why and how?

Why not try to find a second for this simple reflection: why did you choose minimalism? Or, if you haven't done it yet, how could it possibly help you? Maybe it will be worth your while to try being a minimalist in some are of your life and check for yourself how it pans out and changes your life.

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