How to prepare to be zero waste?

Soon I will start a Zero Waste month challenge. I know that this is not going to be an easy task so I started getting prepared for it a few weeks earlier.

How to prepare to be zero waste?

Observe your habits

Do you frequently go shopping without your own containers or bags?
Are you buying ready-made meals in plastic or polystyrene packaging?
Or perhaps you're an avid coffe-to-go drinker?

Fortunately, all of those habits can coexist with zero waste philosophy. The only thing that you should do is be prepared and have your own containers, bottles, mugs, or bags. The latter are the most important as you can never have too much of them - in the car, purse or your workplace. You never know when you are going to need them.

With just a hint of strong will and persuasion, takeaway meals or drinks can be packed or poured into your containers or mugs. Many a time I myself managed to pack my meal or coffee like this.

Another enlightening thing is also... browsing through your bin and analysing what kind of waste you produce and how you can reduce it.

Get hooked on recycling, upcycling, and...

... many other quaint terms :). Thanks to them not only will you reduce waste, but also create something new out of alleged trash.

Apart from recycling and upcycling, it is worth to mention reusing a wide variety of products - e.g. the hygiene ones: from reusable cotton pads to... reusable sanitary towels. This is only a fraction of the possibilities...

Another great solution can be composting (you can do it without a yard or even a balcony) or preparing a soup out of vegetable peels.

Instead of plastic, use more natural materials

Oil or yoghurt in glass containers, wooden plant pots, textil bags, bamboo toothbrushes, or stainless steel straws... Those and numerous other products can easily replace their plastic equivalents.

Read, read, read...

There are myriad books on zero waste and DIY and countless inspiring blogs or webpages with amazing tips. Each and every one of us, regardless of the proficiency in zero waste approach can explore new areas to be more zero waste and eco friendly.


... so, when are we starting the challenge?

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